President ED urges children to be proud of their nation

President ED encourages children to be proud of their nation Zimbabwe

By Tatenda Matambo

Apr 19, 2024

President ED encourages children to be proud of their nation Zimbabwe at the Independence Children's Party held at Murambinda A Primary school Manicaland Province.

In his speech adressing children he said Zimbabwe needs young people who have vision for the future.

Dear children of Zimbabwe, it gives me joy to witness this amazing hope and potential we feel happy that we shall leave behind a revolutionary youth who are proud to be Zimbabwean, Our country requires young people who have a vision for the future, hardworking and demonstrate immense love for their country," said President Mnangagwa. He went on to say that its the children's duty to build Zimbabwe brick upon brick and always have a good character and respect elders.

You must always have good character, respect your elders and colleagues as these are the values that will protect the freedom we are celebrating today as it came for a cost. I am aware that our heritage based curriculum includes hunhu/ubuntu so you must take these lessons very seriously as they are the foundation of a very good nation,'' he said. He however encourage young people to be responsible and abstain from drugs and substance abuse.

I encourage young people to be responsible listen and accept guidance from those senior to you. Engaging in drug and susbstance abuse of ICTs decays the moral fabric of Zimbabwe , You must not be known for being notorious ,Use social media for good and not to spread bad behavior instead focus on good behavior,''he said.

The Independence will be held at Murambinda growth point in Manicaland Province running under the theme ZIMBABWE AT 44 TOWARDS VISION 2030.

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